Monday, May 26, 2008
+01901921 Who's number is that ?
number is from VOIP and it is difficult to know from where and also it is hard to us to call back. I think it is the same with spamming. It is better if we reject this number than accept it.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Akhirnya David Cook is an American Idol
Sabtu malam jam 10 di Global TV nonton American Idol final untuk tahu siapa yang menjadi American Idol antara 2 David. Setelah beberapa penyanyi memamerkan lagu dan suaranya satu per satu akhirnya tiba saatnya Rian Seacrest host dari American Idol membacakan pengumumang suara terbanyak dipilih oleh jutaan pemirsa setia american idol yaitu DAVID COOK. Wuaahh...bener juga tebakan gue, pasti Cook yang bakal juara. Original, talented, suaranya khas, lagu apapun yang dia nyanyiin pasti jadi beda banget and malah lebih enak.
*Picture taken from blog.mlive.com
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Layanan 3.5G IM2 Broadband
Sebelumnya saya pernah pakai speedy sekitar tahun 2007 ( bulan ke 4 apa ya ? lupa hehehe ), koneksi bagus di daerah Perumnas I – Bekasi tapi berhubung pindah ikut suami ke Perumahan Bumi Alinda Kencana Permai pada bulan September, otomatis speedy ga pake lagi. Jadi kalo mau nge-net, ya dari kantor atau sesekali ke warnet, itupun lambaaaat banget loadingnya.
Setelah saya tanya-tanya ke teman yang mengerti akan hal tersebut, dia pernah merekomendasikan beberapa jaringan, tetapi saya belum berani memastikan apakah bisa di cover untuk area Bekasi khususnya perumahan Alinda. Ketika ada satu nama yang dia sebutkan yaitu IM2 broadband, saya penasaran, seperti apa dan bagaimana IM2 yang dia sebutkan itu. Akhirnya saya meluncur ke web nya untuk cari IM2 Broadband itu.
Saya klik bagian business solution IM2 Broadband 3.5G, lalu keluar popup brochure untuk beberapa paket yang ditawarkan. Tertarik juga saya, dan pada kolom sebelah kiri mereka juga sedang mengadakan pameran untuk paket-paket tersebut. Saya cari pameran yang terdekat di daerah tempat tinggal saya yaitu Bekasi. Dan mereka sedang pameran di Metropolitan Mall dari tanggal 2 Mei s/d 11 Mei 2008 letaknya didepan Athlete’s foot. Wah, sekarang hari jumat tanggak 9, jadi saya berencana pulang kantor ke sana.
Tiba di MM sekitar jam 8 malam dan langsung ke stand IM2 tersebut. Disana ada 2 orang SPG dan 1 orang sales yang kalo ngga salah namanya Adit. Setelah saya minta brosurnya, saya bertanya-tanya area yang di cover oleh IM2 Broadband ini termasuk Perumahan Alinda dimana akan saya gunakan jaringan ini nanti. Lalu sdr. Adit membuka we Indosat dan memperlihatkan map peta cakupan 3G (khusus jabodetabek). Ketika di satu point yaitu Perumahan Alinda ternyata masuk area yang di cover oleh layanan 3G dan areanya berwarna hijau. Padahal sebelumnya saya juga sudah cek di web untuk lihat cakupan area sekitar bekasi, memang Perumahan Alinda sudah masuk coverage 3G IM2.
Hmm..sambil minta dipastikan kalo memang sudah dicover, maka saya memberanikan diri untuk register sebagai pelanggan paket, saya ambil paket ECO (New package) dimana saya hanya membayar sebesar Rp. 160.000,- per bulan (selama 12 bulan) untuk quota 700MB dan biaya kelebihan pemakaian Rp. 0.4,- / KB. Modem terpisah artinya beli sendiri dan tersedia disini harganya Rp. 1.500.000,-
Setelah urusan registrasi selesai, saya back to home. Paginya hari sabtu saya mencoba untuk koneksi, ternyata belum bisa. Setelah saya hubungi customer servicenya yang memang cepat sekali pelayanannya, sehingga saya dibantu untuk cek ulang data yang belum mereka input data saya tadi malam, karena memang belum diterima dari pameran. Saya diminta untuk tunggu selama 1 x 24 jam, untuk aktivasi username dan password. Kalo sudah aktivasi kedua hal tersebut, maka koneksi sudah OK. Sampai malam belum terima konfirmasi juga, akhirnya pada jam 00.30-an saya dapat sms ( baru mau tidur tuh ), kalo registrasi saya sudah aktivasi OK. Minggunya saya coba dan memang sudah bisa digunakan. Sinyal penuh 5 strip, UMTS. Speed bagus dan cepat. Koneksi juga bagus tidak putus-putus. Mudah-mudahan saya tidak menemui kendala yang berarti dengan memakai IM2 Broadband ini. Sampai saat ini saya puas dengan pelayanan dari IM2. Dan yang penting saya bisa focus nge-net dirumah kalo malam pulang kantor dan Sabtu-Minggu ga kemana-mana lagi hehehe…
Ada yang sudah pake 3.5G IM2 Broadband seperti saya ? Cerita dong pengalamannya…
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Skiing and Snowboarding News
I told him why he did not get the next step to a ski championship to dare his ski challenge. Money will be on his pocket now cause the winner will get thousand of dollars as a prize. Or he could get an event like snowboarding talent.
He wanted it to but did not know many information about that. Just a few hot news around.
Since that time, I started to search many info on the internet. Of course it so much info about skiing and snowboarding. But there is one point that my eyes catch this one web info about Skiing News. It is SnowSurge. When I click this site, voila!!! There are many such as articles and information about Skiing & snowboarding that my friend need. And also in the SnowSurge, there is information about Events that my friend could go for it. This is exactly what my friend need. I also find information about the best place where we can spend our time to skiing.
This information contain of opening schedule in skiing season in one of safe mountain that can be used for skiing. Blackcomb Mountain, Ski resort in Colorado, or the biggest ski resort in Aspen.
Skiing News from Snowsurge is very informative for people who loves skiing and snowboarding. Now, he love to surf to SnowSurge to search Skiing News here.
Happy Skiing my friend. Don’t forget to take a picture there. Then you can upload your photo in SnowSurge.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Most unique sports collectibles
So, why don't you just sit and wait ?
A Gift Personalized - engravable gift collection
It is agiftpersonalized. The giving of gifts featuring personalization is more popular than ever and I imagine when my sister opens that personalized gift, she know the giver (me) has taken extra time to select the present.
I just go to the "shop by occasion" and you can see for "Birthday & Congrats gift". Since she love about Jewellery, then I pick one of Personalized Victorian Silver Locket. Take a look at the picture here.
This can be engraved too. Inside the locket, I will put her photograph and my photograph and silver locket holds that special someone close to your heart. It means she is so special for me.
David Cook performance "Always Be My Baby"
Enjoy his performance...
David Cook is my favorite American Idol Season 7
By the way, who is David Cook ?
David Roland Cook was born December 20, 1982 in Houston - Texas. And he is an American singer-songwriter and musician. And you can read all information related on him on this file.
Do you also fave on him ?
Picture is taken from AmericanIdol.com
24 weeks pregnancy
Doctor said my baby still in the bottom position. And it is normal for 24 weeks pregnancy. He show us the baby's head, stomach, legs.
I asked about baby boy OR girl. Doctor said probably is the baby girl. Alhamdulillah, for us, given the baby boy or baby girl, it is all the same. The important thing is the baby is well, always health, good condition and normal.
I sent SMS to my mom, my mother in-law, sisters. They are very happy to hear that.
Now, my husband give more attention to me. I am so happy for his attetion. Sometime I am a little bit more to him. When I want to drink, I ask him please to bring a glass of water for me. Even the distance between where I sit and the glass on the table just a few steps. Haha..Honey I really love you more...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Become Affiliate Online
Internet is not only for searching more information, but also can make money from that. There are many ways to earn cash from internet. One in a million ways is a become an affiliate.
An Affiliate is the same thing with a distributor of product. A product that we sell from merchant to end user. Merchant will give a commission from what we sell. Amount of commission we earn is depend on merchant regulation. Before we approve to be his affiliate, we as a affiliate must be agree with Term of Service by merchant.
The different become affiliate online and distributor manual ( offline ) that we as affiliate no need much capital like distributor offline. We don’t need a place to put our products and product it self. But we only need a domain name and hosting to host the domain. That will be our shop called online shop.
Our duty is giving more information about products that merchant have, most wanted products, customer always purchase, and the best product of the weeks, etc.
After customer buy the product through our affiliate, let merchant do the next step. Merchant will send order to customer. And merchant will give our commission. You can choose payment commission by Paypal or cheque.
Many people do as an affiliate online. They earn money by work at home while still wearing pajamas or not even take a bath!
You can joint be an affiliate at : commision junction and amazon.You also can be an affiliate online and be a millionaire from that
Early initiation of breastfeeding
Baby can reach his mother's nipple need time around 30-40 minutes. The important things, is not only about early initiation of breastfeeding, but giving an exclusive breastfeeding also help to decrease rise of baby death.
Now I am pregnant. I have to ask my obstetric to do early initiation when my baby born next 4 months. Hello my baby, come to mama…