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Deejay Black Rhyno, yesterday confirmed reports that he has severed ties with the Vybz Kartel-led Portmore Empire.
"I just want to make it known that I am no longer a member of the Empire," Rhyno told the Observer during a telephone interview.
The deejay, whose real name is Romane Anderson, is most known for his track Bike Back on Russian's Strip Club Riddim, and is said to be one of the Empire's biggest money makers, outside of the self-proclaimed Gaza president, Kartel.
However, Rhyno has dismissed reports that his split with the Empire has anything to do with money.
"I know it has been said that there has been some money issues with me and the Empire, but I want to state clearly that it has absolutely nothing to do with money," the deejay said.
On Monday, the Gaza machinery, in reacting to reports that both Black Rhyno and the Empire's other rising star Jahvinci had left the crew, denied that anything was amiss.
According to a spokesman, Rhyno and Jahvinci were happy with their arrangements. "They are happy, their parents are happy and those around them are also happy, and they say the funds are rolling in as required," the spokesman said.
When contacted, Vybz Kar tel's publicist said a statement would be released soon.
Minister for Labour, Hon Karl Hood says the Government of Grenada has not banned any regional artiste from performing in Grenada.
Minister Hood said his ministry has no difficulties with regional performers displaying their expertise and talents in Grenada. However, he says, his ministry has attempted to ensure that proper procedures are followed by promoters wanting work permits for artistes booked to hold concerts in Grenada.
“The issue has nothing to do with Mr. Vegas as an artiste. Our Ministry met with the promoters and agreed to the procedures for performers to receive work permits. These procedures are designed to give the Ministry the requisite time to vet the requests and allow the promoter time to advertise his event,” Minister Hood said.
He noted that some promoters have not adhered to the rules and have continued with last minute requests for work permits, even though they signed contracts with the artistes and have been advertising their events for months.
He said the procedures call for promoters to contact the Ministry of Labour for work permits once they agree to a contract with an artiste to perform in Grenada.
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IT’S MY TIME is a Global Casting Competition
It's not about catwalk cliches and model attitude.
We’re looking for natural beauty and fresh faces.
Build your profile and vote for the finalists.
The 100 highest voted entries get featured in our new book on global style and win 200 euro to spend in Benetton.
From these, 20 will be selected and flown to New York to be in the Benetton 2010 Fall/Winter campaign.
We don't care where you're from, only where you can go.
It took a catastrophe to remind us of our Haitian neighbors and the voices of the Haitian people must now be heard.
The Jamaican Music Fraternity has heard their call, and has come together through the combined efforts of Producer Handel Tucker (Jamaican Groove Society), songwriter Raymond Azan (For Jamaica Inc.) and brand specialist Andrea Davis (International Reggae Day) to sing a song which asks each one of us, world citizens, to listen! By dedicating the profits from the sale of this song to Haiti’s recovery and rehabilitation, the goal is to provide a way for all of us to help, not just today, but for years to come.
Listen! is a call to action. Listen... and hear the voices of the hurt, the starving, the lost, the old; those in need of medicine, food, education and hope. Listen 2 the Call! And act.
Listen 2 the Call - 4:53” is a special mix of the song, which runs for four minutes and fifty three seconds.
This version will premiere globally on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 4:53pm to commemorate the killer 7.0 quake that devastated the Haitian capital, and offer encouragement and support to the people of Haiti.
The vision for the February 23rd launch of this song is for the Global Village to broadcast, in resounding stereo, one sentiment: "YES, WE HEAR YOU! Yes! We will help! You are not alone!":A message of love, hope and solidarity to the people of Haiti and all over the world who need help.
“The creation of the song was based on my own challenges and dilemma. When you are confronted with a decision to help others, it is so easy to walk away. But its not for someone else to deal with the issue – I need to deal with the issue,” says Raymond Azan, songwriter/composer of “Listen 2 the Call”, a song he wrote in March 2009. “The majority of people in this world have an honest sense of good and just need to see a pathway to get onboard.” The idea is that in this digital age, this song project can provide a vehicle to raise money to assist the victims of the quake, not just now, but during the coming years as they rebuild their nation.
“When you sing a song to strengthen someone, it’s not just for today, it is for generations to come. [This] music will live with them for the rest of their lives,” says Luciano, one of the first voices on the song. This sentiment is echoed by dub poet Mutabaruka who agrees that there is also a great sense of fulfillment derived from participating “in the musical journey to see what the music can do… not only to give a kind of strength but also ‘upliftment’ to those who listen.”
“Listen 2 the Call” is a special musical gift from Jamaica to Haiti with Love, and is being made possible through the kind contribution of more than 30 of Jamaica’s top artistes and musicians collaborating on one song.
For a brief overview of the creative direction of the project, please visit our YouTube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/listen2thecall
To participate in the Global Simulcast Premiere on Tuesday, February 23rd, please visit www.listen2thecall.com to register to download the song.
Click on the clocks to synchronize with Haiti for Broadcast - Downloads of the Song and Video will be available from 12:00 noon, Haiti Time on Tuesday, February 23, 2010.