Friday, March 11, 2011

Gwen Stefani Cover Majalah ELLE UK

What a sexy mama!!!

Gwen Stefani tampil cantik di sampul majalah  Elle UK edisi april 2011! Ini beberapa petikan wawancara Gwen di dalam majalah tersebut:

On her marriage:
“I’ve been with Gavin for 14 years, and, let’s face it, that is a huge accomplishment. I feel so proud of that — it hasn’t been the easiest journey.”
On her ideal day: 
 “I think of myself as really lazy. My ideal day would be to never get out of bed. No one can force me to do something unless I’m passionate about it.”
On make-up:
“I wear make-up every single day; I like to wear make-up for Gavin and I don’t feel energised till I’ve put it on, then I’m ready to go.”

She's already 41 years old, but still rock it!!!