1. What does success mean to you?
Success carries so many meanings for me and constantly changes as my goals and dreams change. I tend to judge my success more so by how my actions positively impact those around me – friends, loved ones and of course, my community. I believe that the more people I help along the way while achieving my goals, the greater my sense of fulfillment and my drive to take larger and larger steps towards pursuing my dreams. However, I can safely say that when I am at a place where my mind is at ease because my family is comfortable and my mother no longer has to work another day in her life, then I am truly successful!
2. What do you want to achieve in your field?
Ultimately, I would love to take my career to the silver screen and I’ve already been fortunate enough to command a role in a movie called, “Themba”, a new German-South African film production about a young, impoverished South African boy with dreams of becoming a football star. Just in time for World Cup 2010, naturally, the subject is football, and the way the sport gives hope, joy, and strength to the South African youth, and for many is the only way to forget about the hardships of life, if only for a few moments, while chasing the ball on the pitch. Although a minor role, I play Nalini, the sexy model girlfriend of one of the lead football stars (Themba official site)
3. What is the greatest sacrifice you have made so far in your career?
I would definitely have to say giving up my first career which was in banking. I rose through the ranks of the bank from a CSR to a Customer Service Manager and As. Company Secretary which was no easy feat as the high ranking positions within the industry is male dominated. It was a tough choice however personal circumstances were such that I had to make a decision and I used the opportunity to pursue my dreams.
4. Though you already have a loyal following, do you ever fear that you won’t make it big?
All the time…every day and when that fear takes a hold of me, I am motivated even more to work harder towards achieving my goals and to push myself beyond the boundaries of what the world supposedly says I cannot do. It’s almost as if the fear of not making it big fuels my drive and longing to achieve more; it rejuvenates my thinking and motivates me to re-invent myself each time the universe throws a challenge or obstacle in my path on the road to success.
5. What makes you stand out in your field?
Honestly, my hair (lol!) – I know it sounds silly but my hair is so dynamic and eye-catching; it adds a whole new dimension both on camera and on the runway; it’s almost as if my hair carries a personality of its own!
6. What is the best piece of advice you have been given and who was it from?
Upon graduating from primary school, one of my teachers said, “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” Having a dream, a vision for a short while and then giving up on that dream in the face of adversity and resistance, will not take you down the road of success. It is necessary to sustain the vision, to persist and to persevere to realize your goals and dreams.
7. What advice do you have for anyone trying to make it in your field?
Think, believe, dream and dare! Knowledge about the industry and the business of the industry is key to your success. ‘You’ are your greatest asset and also your own worse enemy! Believe in yourself to the point where you make a commitment to the development of you! Dream - endeavour to live the life you imagine and dare to take action, to make choices and decisions, and implement those choices and decisions to achieve your goals. Always remember: there will be good days and bad days so be thankful for the great opportunities and learn from those that challenge you; a great personality goes a long way and smile, because you never know who’s watching!
Click HERE to find our what were our 20 Questions for Crystal and her answers to them!!!