Update: Oneil Edwards of Voicemail in critical but stable condition, Jamaican entertainers show support with vigil.
Oneil Edwards, one third of Dancehall/Reggae trio Voicemail is in critical but stable condition after being shot at 1:30 am yesterday morning outside his home in Duhaney Park. He was admitted to the Kingston Public Hospital, but from what I have been told, he was transferred to University of the West Indies Hospital for a CAT Scan. He did have surgery and is in critical but stable condition. I am still not to sure as to whether he is at Kingston Public Hospital or UWI Hospital.
I am glad that he is alive and I pray that he will pull through. I love Voicemail's music. When I think of the group, I think of great harmonies and fun -loving topics: love, partying, girls and feeling good. I was so glad when they got the award for Best Video for "Dance The Night Away" (feat. Busy Signal) at the EME Awards this year.
Oneil accepting the award for Best Video at the 2010 EME Awards
Voicemail with their EME Award (l-r: Oneil, Kevin and Craig)
Of course many in the entertainment community are in shock and saddened at the same time. Mr. Vegas, Stacious, Tifa, Natalie Storm, Beenie Man and other artists as well as members of the community met at Half Way Tree Bus Terminal to pray for Oneil and to show solidarity against such violent crimes. Here are some pics below courtesy of AXE-S Media.
Mr. Vegas speaks to media outside Half Way Tree Bus Terminal ( Photo courtesy of AXE-S Media) Photo source
Stacious, Natalie Storm, Tifa hold hands while taking part in prayer vigil for Oneil Edwards in HalfWay Tree ( Photo courtesy of AXE-S Media) Photo source
Alaine speaks to media about recent shooting of Voicemail member Oneil Edwards ( Photo courtesy of AXE-S Media) Photo source
Beenie Man speaks to Hype TV about recent shooting of Voicemail's Oneil Edwars ( Photo courtesy of AXE-S Media) Photo source