She is truly the embodiment of hard worker ya'll but don't feel sorry. She is having mad fun. She is an international model, Miss Barbados World 2009 and host on the BETJ Caribbean lifestyle show SPLASH!!! Let's get her take on her climb to success.

1. What does success mean to you?
I’ve always defined my success as stepping beyond my comfort zone and ignoring my inhibitions to order to achieve my full potential. In Barbados we grow up conditioned with career dreams of becoming lawyers, doctors and professionals. In fact, the mold once defined me as i have a bachelor's of law degree. Having a career as a television host or model are not avenues that have been traditionally available to Barbadians. As such every step I take that pushes the envelop, and further secures my place as a television host, model or personality. I feel as if i am a pioneer amongst my peers, that is success to me.
2. What do you want to achieve in your field?
My ultimate career goal is to become an actress. I want to become a household name beyond my shores. Charlize Theron is recognized as the most successful South African actress, Sheryl Lee-Ralph as the most successful Jamaican and in time Leah Marville, I hope will be recognized as the most successful from Barbados.
3. What is the greatest sacrifice you have made so far in your career?
My greatest sacrifice is being absent from family and friends. I tend to miss all those quality moments, birthday's, Mother's Day...I have even missed Christmas and New Years. My assignments keep me so busy throughout the year, and spending months away from home has become a mundane occurrence. As an international model I am signed to several markets: China, Athens, London, Germany, Jamaica and South Africa. And even on my short visits home, I am busy with my Charity and filming duties for my local television show Passport 246. My charity The Love Campaign, has mushroomed into one of the largest charities in Barbados. Its planning and execution demand more attention than I could have have ever imagined. But it is something I am truly proud of, and as I grow, it will grow with me. Recently I opened my owned company Marville Management which has demanded even more attention, further alienating me from my family and friends. I have come to refer to sleep as a concept as I don't get any. They say, if you wanna see the rainbow, you must endure the rainbows coming!
4. Though you already have a loyal following, do you ever fear that you won’t make it big?
I have had the thought before, but it is usually a fleeting one. My vision as to a career direction is so clear and vivid in my mind; I see, live and feel it within me...its exist almost like a vicarious existence. I am so blinded by my goals that I don’t think of any other possibility. At this stage I am tunnel visioned and my target is attainable. I do recognize the challenges, and foresee a great many of them ahead of me, but I certainly have no fear about the journey. My hope is that when the opportunity presents itself, I just hope I'm ready to seize the day. Carpe diem!.
5.What makes you stand out in your field?
I believe in dynamism. I'm already outside the box with the millions of peoples how dared to step out. So my approach now is that of a forward thinker. I'd like to think I'm prepared, and ready for whatever ever you throw at me. I'd like to become a memory. In no other industry is the saying, 'it's not who you know but who knows you', more true than the entertainment industry. When I was crowned the Sexiest Woman Alive by Global Beauties, I didn't even know I was in a competition and that fans across the world were voting. The sexiest woman is chosen from all the Misses that entered the 5 major world pageants: Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Earth, Miss Tourism and Miss International. The point is they knew me and were observing. The aim therefore is to ensure that your name, your words, your image, resonate in the minds of people. And even still that's only half the battle, the other half, is being very good at what you do.
6. What is the best piece of advice you have been given and who was it from?
A friend of mine always says “Don’t wait for the world to call your name, shout it for everyone to hear”. It is a saying that has stuck with me since. I am subtly aggressive (lol) and a go getter. I'm not going sit and wait for the opportunity just to present itself, if I can, I'm going to make it happen. Everything I have learned has prepared me for now, my friends advice reinforces everything if ever just that. In support of this advice, I have adopted two others: 'it's your attitude that determines your altitude', and 'don't worry about tomorrow, its already today in Australia'.
7. What advice do you have for anyone trying to make it in your field?
Half of the battle is going to be up to you, the individual. You ought always to be prepared, be professional, set goals with the intention and perseverance to execute them. One ought always to reinvent oneself, and welcome competition as an opportunity for growth. Your personality is a unique gift, embrace it, share it. Its 'you' that will also set 'you' apart from others. Be driven but always have fun and enjoy the ride!
Click HERE to see Leah's responses to our 20 Questions!